Working with Nurseries, Primary and Secondary Schools, Colleges and Youth Groups.
Nature Vibezzz' environmental education activities are tailor-made for each school, youth organisation or college, and takes into account their individual requirements.
These environmental education activities can be tied to the curriculum or can just be fun activities connecting children to their local nature and green spaces.
All our activities aim to encourage students/ members to learn about their local environment and use their local green spaces.
We can supply the required equipment and the DBS-checked extra staff.
Activities can be carried out at a local park or at the participating partner’s centre or preferred premises.
Nature Vibezzz staff also have experience working with students with learning difficulties and physical disabilities.
Environmental Education activities that can be run by Nature Vibezzz for young people include:
Fun, nature-themed games
Variety of fun games encourage students to think about nature, for example "Tree Friend" (adopting a tree for the rest of the session/program) "1,2,3... where are you?" (hide and seek with natural boundaries), "Connexions" (team game transferring an object from one part of the woods to another).
Geographic-biological fieldwork – Participants identify selected common tree species by looking at their characteristics and using ID charts, then map their location. Young people gain basic tree ID knowledge and mapping skills on this activity.
Nature trail / treasure hunt orienteering – Participants in groups follow a trail to various checkpoints or to a specific nature treasure using maps and compasses. Using prepared maps and compasses the children work in small groups to find answers to questions about set locations on a prepared route around a London green space.
Measuring environments – Using light meters, thermometers, wind meters & pH meters participants measure and record data from various nature habitats in an area, so the differences can be compared.
Nature exploring
Tree beating – Investigating insects living in a variety of trees using white sheets, pooters, bug pots, magnifying glasses and ID charts. Participants gather the insects found and ID them with help of Nature Vibezzz staff / volunteers using ID charts.
Plant and tree quiz – Using prepared worksheets students / young people in groups search the area to find examples of the plants.
Tree scientists – Aimed at younger children, each group picks a tree in the park to do a report on, making bark rubbings, collecting leaves / seeds and drawing the tree.
Pond life survey – Using pond dipping equipment and ID charts participants in small groups investigate pond life.
Minibeast hunts / nature scavenging – Hunting for minibeasts and nature objects using bug pots, insect nets, magnifying glasses and ID charts.
Mini wormery – Children collect worms and make mini wormeries using glass jars, sand and soil.
Creating woodland shelters – Students in small groups design and build shelters from natural materials in a London park or woodland.
Safe fire lighting - Learn principles of lighting fire along with environmentally safe techniques and guidelines. This might include outdoor healthy cooking activities.
Tools work - Using a variety of real tools at different levels of proficiency from complete beginners to more advanced skills, including: axe, billhook, pen knives, drills, bow saw, gardening tools, etc.
Nature walks
Guided walk around a site incorporating simple nature activities. Walks combine with finding and collecting natural items (which can be used for activities on walk or on another day), building simple objects from sticks and leaves etc, storytelling, facts about site (history, folk tales etc), nature treasure hunt, and wildlife identification.
Natural art and crafts
Creating bird feeders – Messy fun for younger children to help their local birds.
Nature jewellery – Using various designs and methods children make crowns, necklaces, wrist bands and badges.
3D or 2D modelling – Using modelling clay / plasticine, sticks and other natural items collected, children use their imagination to create 3D or 2D shapes.
Creating a wind chime and/or mobile from natural items – In small groups students collect natural items from either the school wildlife area or a local park; these items will be used to make wind chime &/or mobile.
Nature collages – In small groups students create collages / pictures / stories from natural items found by them on previous nature walk or from school nature area.
Creating natural perfume or magic potions – From herbs and flowers younger children experiment using various natural items to find a variety of smells, then combine them to create their own perfume from them. Alternatively through using role play and imagination they create magic potions from natural items.
Nature Vibezzz can also run Practical Nature Conservation Activities for groups from youth organisations, schools & colleges. If you are interested in finding out more about our environmental education services please contact us.