Registered Charity providing Forest School,
Environmental Education and
Practical Nature Conservation sessions, programs, events and community projects.
Company Number 9630457 Registered Charity Number 1177701
- To run services for the community.
- To be a not-for-profit organisation.
- To dedicate our services to take the community outdoors,
especially those who are not so confident about themselves or around nature.
- To promote nature activities, support volunteering
and provide help to others organisations through community engagement.
- To provide opportunities for the disadvantaged, elderly and school children, among others.
The charity’s objects (‘Objects’) are specifically restricted to the following:
To advance the education of the public in:
(a) the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural
environment; and
(b) subjects relating to sustainable development and the protection,
enhancement and rehabilitation of the environment,
in particular but not exclusively by the provision of or assisting in the provision
of educational activities and events which promote a better understanding of
the impact of human activity on the environment.
To develop the capacity and skills of the members of socially and economically
disadvantaged communities in such a way that they are better able to
understand the impact of human activity on the environment and better able to
identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society in a
way that is compatible with sustainable development and growth.
In this clause “sustainable development” means development which meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs.